About Us
Our Vision
“Every member is a servant”
We bring people to Christ through evangelism
We rejoice with them through worship
We rejoice with them through worship
We equip them for service through discipleship
And we show them the love of the Lord Jesus through service

رؤية كنيستنا
“كل عضو هو خادم”
نحضر الناس للمسيح من خلال الكرازة
نفرح معهم من خلال العبادة
نضمهم اعضاء من خلال الشركة
نؤهلهم للخدمة من خلال التلمذة
نظهر محبة الرب يسوع لهم من خلال الخدمة
Main Arabic service on Sunday at 11 AM
The Arabic service starts at 11 AM, The service includes worship, Prayer, Communion and the word of God. Our community is multicultural and ever-expanding, With members from various age groups, Lifestyles, and cultures. We welcome everyone – of all nationalities, backgrounds and beliefs.

Thank you for supporting the mission of Holy Trinity Anglican Arabic Church.
Church Bank Account Details
Anglican parish of Holy Trinity Coburg
BSB 063122
Acc 10726267
BSB 063122
Acc 10726267