Holy Trinity Arabic Church Coburg

Our Vision

We bring people to Christ through evangelism.
We rejoice with them through worship.
We include them as members through fellowship.
We equip them for service through discipleship and show them the love of the Lord Jesus through service.

“Every member is a servant”

.نحضر الناس للمسيح من خلال الكرازة
.نفرح معهم من خلال العبادة
.نضمهم اعضاء من خلال الشركة
.نؤهلهم للخدمة من خلال التلمذة
.نظهر محبة الرب يسوع لهم من خلال الخدمة
شعارنا هو
"كل عضو هو خادم"

Join us this Sunday

11:00AM • Main Arabic Service

Our Values

beliefs that unite us


Jesus is who we love

The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.


Joy is our decision

Until you experience the transforming power of God’s grace in your life, you’re too enslaved by your own hurts, habits, and hang-ups to think much about others.


People is who we serve

Many people have the misconception that being “called” by God is something only missionaries, pastors, nuns, and other church leaders experience.


Generosity is our privilege

The number one reason we don’t have the time or energy to serve others is that we’re preoccupied with our own agendas, dreams, and pleasures.


Honor is our expression

We are not saved by serving, but we are saved for serving. You were called to be free.” You cannot serve God until you’ve been set free by Jesus.


We are there, even in times of crisis

The motive for serving is loveServe one another in love.” This is an important key to building community.


Jesus is who we love

The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.


Joy is our decision

The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.


Honor is our expression

The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.


People is who we serve

The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.


Generosity is our privilege

The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.


We are there, even in times of crisis

The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.

Our Pastors

Jamie & Caroline

Our church has a strong connection to the community and commenced on October 31st, 1931. We are a generational contemporary church with a rich history. We really are a place where you can belong and grow! Jamie & Caroline have 3 sons, and they believe in rising up the next generation with the wisdom of those who have gone before. Jamie & Caroline have a practical outlook on life and love community. It’s our passion to see you get connected, grow in your relationship with God and others and live your best life.

You will love it here!

Experience. Connect. Grow

Join our ministries to get connected through service

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Stories & Articles

find inspiration in God

“I love being part of this family. I love their commitment to Jesus, the Bible, and the great commission. I love the fact that I’m not just joining a denomination; I’m actually joining a family.”

“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. We are not saved by serving, but we are saved for serving. ”

First, we must understand church is not a building, a Sunday school class, or a service time. According to scripture, a church gathering is a group of people coming together in Christ and the people are the church. Jesus shows us in Matthew 18 that a gathering can be as little as two people together.

The service usually involves the singing of hymns, reading of scripture verses and possibly a psalm. If the church follows a lectionary, the sermon will often be about the scripture lections assigned to that day. Eucharistic churches have usually Holy Communion either every Sunday or several Sundays a month.

There are no rules as to what to bring to church, other than your self, an open heart and mind. Some bring a bible, if you’re going to engage in bible study.

If you want to know how to dress for church, something modest and comfortable should be fine. Generally, graphic tees that show off sports team logos or bands should never be worn to church. Solid-colored tops are fine, and even something with a pattern should be OK to wear.

Ask your friends if they have a place to worship the Savior and invite them to come worship with you, especially at times like Christmas and Easter. If they aren’t Christians, ask them if they’d like to learn more about Jesus Christ and invite them to experience a Christian worship service with you. Remember to show the same respect for their beliefs that you hope they will give yours.

 There are many questions Christians are asked that the individual Christian is unable to answer. It happens all the time.

Our Location

we would love to see you!

Holy Trinity Arabic Church Coburg


520 Sydney Road, Coburg, Vic 3058

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